Home Finally OSEE Certified!

Finally OSEE Certified!

Well everyone, I finally did it and achieved this majestic certificate! What a journey this was… This exam was the most fun and challenging thing i have done in my life. So this challenge for the OSEE certification consisted of 2 challenges to be done in 72 hours + 24 hours more to do the reporting.

1st Challenge:

Challenges arrive at 10 PM i check them out to understand what i am supposed to do and messing with the first one little bit until 1AM. Then i decided to get to bed and do it the next morning. Next morning, i woke up at 10 AM and start doing the challenge. This and the other challenge were always had me like being stuck to a point then progressing then stuck again but i was moving quite fast and managed to finish the first challenge at 2PM. Of course this was the easy way that would give me 15 points! If i would do it the hard way, that would be 30 points. To pass this exam you need at least 80 so since I pwned this challenge, i was so happy i moved on to the second one(70 points)!

I took some screenshots really quick and started the second challenge at 2:30 PM.

2nd Challenge:

I was quite positive on this one cause i had some minor experience, turns out I wasn’t as ready as i thought. I spent like 2 hours doing circle, trying to realize how to even start but then my observation “powers” kicked in and i realized what i had to do. I started progressing really fast for like 3 hours. Then i was stuck because of python issues or so i thought for like 4 hours! I decided to sleep and wake up in the morning at 9AM to continue…Before i slept and before i woke up i kept repeating why this doesn’t work? why why why? Like a psycho :P Then i checked it when i woke up and what do you know i had forgotten something….(i can’t say what). Since I managed to do this i started progressing a lot and then stuck again…. I talked a bit on the phone, went to get something to drink, i got some fresh air and then continued. I managed to proceed and move further but then i stuck again. At this point i was so tired, i wanted to give up. But i continued, bypassed all the issues and managed to reach the latest point. I really had never done that before but it was easy enough, so managed to do it quite fast and got the final shell!

I am not very patient person so i never tried the hard way of the first challenge, i just grabbed screenshots and wrote the report after a small break. I got the results last night so i am officially OSEE certified :D

The overall “clear” exam time took me 28 hours + 16 hours of sleep.

BBBBBut what matters is that i did it and i will never regret paying this money for this amazing course, knowledge, exam and certificate.


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