Hello everyone this is tr0ll 2 as i promised. Time to get some root access on the server, cause i didnt do much these days, so i will stop blabbing and start to explain what is going on and how everything happened… ;)
Of course as always i started an nmap scan to our dear tr0ll server>root@kali:~# nmap -sV
Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2015-10-12 18:13 EDT Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.00016s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 2.0.8 or later 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.9p1 Debian 5ubuntu1.4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.22 ((Ubuntu)) MAC Address: 00:0C:29:7C:A4:A9 (VMware) Service Info: Host: Tr0ll; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.51 seconds
so this is where i started the ftp enumeration. I tried a couple of passwords and guessing. i actually got in and checked for the files and downloaded the only one i found there.
the file was password protected to i left hanging around for later… :/ lets go to the http service enumeration. this is the index page
the source didn’t contain anything interesting so lets move ahead. i thought to check the robots.txt and ok this is not a damn robots.txt file this is a huge list!!!i mean come on!!!
so because of this big list after i tried a few paths, they were fake…. -_- so i made a list and checked it with dirb
root@kali:~/Desktop# cat locf noob nope try_harder keep_trying isnt_this_annoying nothing_here 404 LOL_at_the_last_one trolling_is_fun zomg_is_this_it you_found_me I_know_this_sucks You_could_give_up dont_bother will_it_ever_end I_hope_you_scripted_this ok_this_is_it stop_whining why_are_you_still_looking just_quit seriously_stop
root@kali:~/Desktop# dirb locf
DIRB v2.22 By The Dark Raver —————–
START_TIME: Mon Oct 12 18:20:40 2015 URL_BASE: WORDLIST_FILES: locf
—- Entering directory: —-
—- Entering directory: —-
—- Entering directory: —-
—- Entering directory: —-
END_TIME: Mon Oct 12 18:20:40 2015 DOWNLOADED: 105 - FOUND: 0
after checking the directories…
i was in a dead end so i checked the size of the pictures of the paths what do you know…there is a fatter troll cat!!! it seems it has eaten a bit more data that it should… ^_^
root@kali:~/Desktop# wget –2015-10-12 18:23:23– Connecting to… connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK Length: 15873 (16K) [image/jpeg] Saving to: ‘cat_the_troll.jpg’
cat_the_troll.jpg 100%[=====================>] 15.50K –.-KB/s in 0s
2015-10-12 18:23:23 (338 MB/s) - ‘cat_the_troll.jpg’ saved [15873/15873]
root@kali:~/Desktop# file cat_the_troll.jpg cat_the_troll.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 72x72, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 500x302, frames 3 root@kali:~/Desktop# strings cat_the_troll.jpg JFIF #3-652-108?QE8<M=01FGMTV[\[7DcjcXjQY[W )W:1:WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW "aq2 \vRH sdwTi aDP aDP \z!$
aDc (Q@0S }}HQ) …snippet… 8Jh; gYCJ pV}A 7U 4 ]=%em; lj\p */ p?E$ Look Deep within y0ur_self for the answer
the “y0ur_self” word seems like a password or path… who knows… lets check it as a directory
AN ANSWER.TXT FILE!!! lets see if it is another troll or a real thing
root@kali:~/Desktop# wget –2015-10-12 18:26:09– Connecting to… connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK Length: 1412653 (1.3M) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘answer.txt’
answer.txt 100%[=====================>] 1.35M –.-KB/s in 0.02s
2015-10-12 18:26:09 (74.0 MB/s) - ‘answer.txt’ saved [1412653/1412653]
root@kali:~/Desktop# cat answer.txt QQo= QQo= QUEK QUIK QUJNCg== QUMK QUNUSAo= QUkK QUlEUwo= QU0K QU9MCg== ….snippet…..
This is totally encrypted in base64 so..
root@kali:~/Desktop# base64 -d answer.txt >clanswer.txt A A AA AB ABM AC ACTH AI AIDS AM AOL AOL ASCII ASL ATM …….snippet………
it seems like this is a wordlist and as we remember we had a password protected zip file ;) we are gonna attempt to crack it
root@kali:~/Desktop# fcrackzip -v -D -u -p clanswer.txt lmao.zip found file ‘noob’, (size cp/uc 1300/ 1679, flags 9, chk 1005)
PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == ItCantReallyBeThisEasyRightLOL root@kali:~/Desktop# unzip lmao.zip Archive: lmao.zip [lmao.zip] noob password: inflating: noob
root@kali:~/Desktop# file noob noob: PEM RSA private key,
and apparently this is an rsa ssh file called noob ;) so all good here
root@kali:~/Desktop# cat noob —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAsIthv5CzMo5v663EMpilasuBIFMiftzsr+w+UFe9yFhAoLqq yDSPjrmPsyFePcpHmwWEdeR5AWIv/RmGZh0Q+Qh6vSPswix7//SnX/QHvh0CGhf1 /9zwtJSMely5oCGOujMLjDZjryu1PKxET1CcUpiylr2kgD/fy11Th33KwmcsgnPo q+pMbCh86IzNBEXrBdkYCn222djBaq+mEjvfqIXWQYBlZ3HNZ4LVtG+5in9bvkU5 z+13lsTpA9px6YIbyrPMMFzcOrxNdpTY86ozw02+MmFaYfMxyj2GbLej0+qniwKy e5SsF+eNBRKdqvSYtsVE11SwQmF4imdJO0buvQIDAQABAoIBAA8ltlpQWP+yduna u+W3cSHrmgWi/Ge0Ht6tP193V8IzyD/CJFsPH24Yf7rX1xUoIOKtI4NV+gfjW8i0 gvKJ9eXYE2fdCDhUxsLcQ+wYrP1j0cVZXvL4CvMDd9Yb1JVnq65QKOJ73CuwbVlq UmYXvYHcth324YFbeaEiPcN3SIlLWms0pdA71Lc8kYKfgUK8UQ9Q3u58Ehlxv079 La35u5VH7GSKeey72655A+t6d1ZrrnjaRXmaec/j3Kvse2GrXJFhZ2IEDAfa0GXR xgl4PyN8O0L+TgBNI/5nnTSQqbjUiu+aOoRCs0856EEpfnGte41AppO99hdPTAKP aq/r7+UCgYEA17OaQ69KGRdvNRNvRo4abtiKVFSSqCKMasiL6aZ8NIqNfIVTMtTW K+WPmz657n1oapaPfkiMRhXBCLjR7HHLeP5RaDQtOrNBfPSi7AlTPrRxDPQUxyxx n48iIflln6u85KYEjQbHHkA3MdJBX2yYFp/w6pYtKfp15BDA8s4v9HMCgYEA0YcB TEJvcW1XUT93ZsN+lOo/xlXDsf+9Njrci+G8l7jJEAFWptb/9ELc8phiZUHa2dIh WBpYEanp2r+fKEQwLtoihstceSamdrLsskPhA4xF3zc3c1ubJOUfsJBfbwhX1tQv ibsKq9kucenZOnT/WU8L51Ni5lTJa4HTQwQe9A8CgYEAidHV1T1g6NtSUOVUCg6t 0PlGmU9YTVmVwnzU+LtJTQDiGhfN6wKWvYF12kmf30P9vWzpzlRoXDd2GS6N4rdq vKoyNZRw+bqjM0XT+2CR8dS1DwO9au14w+xecLq7NeQzUxzId5tHCosZORoQbvoh ywLymdDOlq3TOZ+CySD4/wUCgYEAr/ybRHhQro7OVnneSjxNp7qRUn9a3bkWLeSG th8mjrEwf/b/1yai2YEHn+QKUU5dCbOLOjr2We/Dcm6cue98IP4rHdjVlRS3oN9s G9cTui0pyvDP7F63Eug4E89PuSziyphyTVcDAZBriFaIlKcMivDv6J6LZTc17sye q51celUCgYAKE153nmgLIZjw6+FQcGYUl5FGfStUY05sOh8kxwBBGHW4/fC77+NO vW6CYeE+bA2AQmiIGj5CqlNyecZ08j4Ot/W3IiRlkobhO07p3nj601d+OgTjjgKG zp8XZNG8Xwnd5K59AVXZeiLe2LGeYbUKGbHyKE3wEVTTEmgaxF4D1g== —–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–
i tried logging in with this as user noob it actually worked but the connection closed, so i thought time to check this exploit exploit. it is bash shellshock vulnerabllity
as you can see it gave us access but not a normal shell so i used the pty.spawn of python to get one ;) apparently netcat aint allowed. after i ran the /bin/bash for some reason anything i wrote was doubled, i think it is cause of the buggy kali sana cause i tried it again later and worked like a charm althought i forgot to take some new pictures. i checked a couple of places for interesting files and in the filesystem i found a folder called nothing_to_see_here… so i went inside and there was another folder choose wisely so i thought here we are there are 3 doors!! door1,door2,door3 all of them had a file called r00t that we would have to BOF it since it get user input and get root since it gives us the 0 id we so much want.
so this is door number 1 and thx a lot btw for this -_-. if you guys keep seing some things double it is fine! and you are file too kali sana ain’t though :/ but since it worked who cares
so door2 seemed pretty normal and probably the correct one to devote it some time but i checked the third one just to be sure..and w8 what???executing shell?for a moment i was like.. this cant be so easy and obviously i was right :/ it trolled me. so door number 2 it is!aaaaand segfault error
Of course i checked for protections and ASLR is off so yay. NX is off too :D actually there is no protection!
after executing gdb with 500 digits i noticed that it overwrote EIP at 268 bytes so i executed this to check the ESP
after checking my friend google for an exec /bin/bash shellcode we got a good one and executed it the r00t file…of course we added a NOP sled just for better results :D and made the EIP jump to our esp address where all the magic happens
that is all folks thx for the tr0ll2 and i hope we will get a third one so we can complete this trilogy!